Sunday, February 8, 2015

Market tendencies: technology

It is clear that the currently market is changing in a lot of aspects. The economy, politics and the situation of the markets can influence to every firm.  But in this post we will focus on technology.

Making a prediction about technology is getting more and more difficult, because the short terms, solutions and market tendencies are changing very fast. But we would like to explain two technology business strategies that are taking place in the current market.

Big Data
To sum it up in few words, Big Data consists on capturing, storing, searching, sharing and adding value, big amounts of data which up to date has been underused and inaccessible.
In fact, companies like Facebook, Google or Amazon have succeeded bearing in mind Bid Data in its business strategy. The analysis of massive data is the main advantage of the business model of these companies.  The volume of advertising that some of these companies sell is so high, due to the existence of these massive data. It represents a benefit for advertisers thanks to the 'target process', which allow these companies to give a personalized message to each person. Analyze the Big Data can give to customers an offer that with a high percentage of probability will be of interest. The key is to make it in a way that the client feels that what you offer is only for him. "

Corporate Social Networking
Uncontrolled use of social networks can cause low productivity at work. That's why instead of banning them, the need for communication is satisfied by using corporate social networks designed exclusively for the organization.
Corporate Social networks are working tools that are implemented in organizations, which allow workers to collaborate with each other, interact and exchange ideas in their work schedule. The challenge is to help companies become more competitive using platforms that create value.
Moreover, this type of communication helps departments of companies to be related and interconnected, even if they are in different cities or countries. This creates a sense of belonging and permanence in it.

Summing up, every business strategy should take into account the new technologies, for this reason we thought it was important to write about 2 of them.   

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