Sunday, February 15, 2015


Today’s article is for all the coffee lovers. We are going to investigate the strategies of the famous coffee company Starbucks. A vast majority of you has been to Starbucks and has tasted its delicious coffees. This brand is famous all over the world and counts with 21,160 stores in 63 countries and territories, starting out with one store in Seattle. It is even a fashion to drink the “Starbucks coffee”. But what makes a single coffee so special?

Take a minute to think about if you have ever seen a conventional advertisement in the newspaper or television of Starbucks, like from big companies such as Mc Donalds? The answer is no or only very few times. The company has tried very hard to avoid traditional marketing in order to give it a name.
They rely on the excellent quality of the coffee combined with a cosy atmosphere in order to create customer satisfaction. Everyone feels comfortable on the relaxing sofas at the coffee shops, which makes it a good possibility to escape the stress of every day’s life. Even though the price of a coffee is higher than at another coffee store, the customers seem to accept it, without hesitating.
The customer satisfaction is also established by the treatment one perceives by entering the store. You can create your own coffee out of different flavours. At the end the employee asks you for your name to write it on the cup. This way, the customer feels unique and as a participant in the process of making his own coffee.
Every season, they make special offers related to Christmas, summer, etc. So there are always new flavours to discover. Combined with the high quality, it is a good marketing strategy, which produces a customer loyalty. The customers come back regularly and tell their friends and families about it. The company counts strongly on Word-of-Mouth marketing.

Furthermore, they have created a “Starbucks community”, where individuals can register and share their Starbucks experiences with others. The community not only brings people together, but it also helps the company to improve their services, because they are involved actively in the discussions.

In our opinion, the company did a great job to become the Starbucks we now nowadays, considering they started out with a single store and a simple concept. Every company should take Starbucks as an example for its successful marketing strategies. 

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