Wednesday, March 11, 2015


"Have your grandparents or parents thought to fly into the space ever?"

Now is available because one of the most important American business, Virgin Galactic, could realise your dreams. In fact, this company is trying to develop new spaceships able to travel to space with some people that are able to pay a huge amount of money.

Virgin Galactic is a company that came from Virgin Group, founded by Sir Richard Branson. This international business is linked with some different areas like music, mobile phone companies, books, sports, etc. It decided to launch onto the market and try different types of business areas. In 2004 Virgin started a new concept called tourism space. 

The modern “aircrafts-spaceships” are built with carbon fiber and imagination to transport tourists from 96 kilometers high to the edge of the space. The Virgin Galactic could harbour six passengers and two pilots. It will also have lots of windows at the ceiling and it will be a combination throw a rocket and a parachute. The spacecraft will be connected with a powerful plane called WhiteKnightTwo that will transport the ship about 15 kilometers.

When the spacecraft starts creates a G force that could arrive up to 4,000 kilometers per hour. Once the ship reach the space the engines are turned off and the passengers are allowed to be without the belts. They could feel the weightlessness as same as the astronauts. 

1.       Can we called them astronauts?
No. In fact, Virgin Galactic called their customers as “astronaut passengers”.

2.       Will be Google joined together with Virgin Galactic?
Doug Messier,’s manager speculate that Virgin Galactic and Google could be linked in a future, just because Google is trying to develop itself into the space area and is trying to improve some new technology to fly with eolian turbines. 

Virgin Galactic is going to be opened to the public in 2015, so why don't you try it and leave a comment explaining us your experience? Just only if you have the sufficient amount of money to realise this new concept of travelling!

Here you have the link to read more about the article:

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