Thursday, March 26, 2015


Nowadays, Barcelona is a huge city that is trying to lead other cities in the world. In fact is trying to develop new strategies and to surpass itself by making new things.
Today we are going to explain you one of its newest concepts that every time more and more cities are trying to carry out.

Do you ever feel really hungry that want to go urgently to a bakery? Or, do you ever forget your friend’s present? Now, it is not a problem because there are several cities that have some shops and restaurants that are opened all the day.

Barcelona is trying to develop the same strategy. The city is trying to be one of these future towns. Barcelona, is implementing a new standard shift in order to maintain the most “primary shops”, as restaurants, bakeries and sport centres which are opened a minimum of 18 hours but they are usually 24 hours, indeed. In fact is possible to eat a baked croissant, photocopy some documents, buy some fresh fish or to make your service car at midnight.

This new timetable is not so different than Barcelona’s subway, because is opened without interruption all the weekend. This sum up a total of 43 hours.

This new concept came from the shop phenomenon with less than 150 metres square full of people until dawn. Nowadays, there are lots of these shops in Ciutat Vella and l’Eixample. In fact, these new type of shops with that new strategy tries to gain people attention so they will probably come two times during the day; if is a bakery, for breakfast and to buy a snack at midnight. Is a new strategy that will capture people interest for sure.

So if you want to eat a muffin, to print some documents or to be fit you only have to leave your home and do it, even at night. 

If you want to read all the article you can have a look:


Noma restaurant created by René Redzepi, is now proclaimed as the number one of the list “The world's 50 best Restaurants”.

Redzepi snatches the culinary world leadership at El Celler de Can Roca, family business belonging to Joan, Josep and Jordi Roca brothers. The funny part is that Redzepei performed an internship at El Bulli, in the summer of 1999 and was recognized as a crucial career step in Ferran Adrià's restaurant in Cala Montjoi (Girona) by Redzepi.

He decided to open his own business together with Claus Mayer in 2004 and since then has had a powerful promotion. The "Noma" restaurant is housed in an old converted warehouse full of charm: its dining room overlooking the harbor and 45 seats, has a 100% Nordic look that matches the culinary identity Redzepi. It can be said that its strategic plan is based on after passing through the Bulli, he developed his own culinary style: a kitchen of Nordic art, which is committed to the use of products in Scandinavia and is true to the roots, subtle and delicate aesthetic dishes. But while this chef likes to take risks, and it shows in their native insects including dishes such ingredients.

It is certainly a radical commitment in many ways but this entrepreneur has managed to place its business at number 33 ranking and gradually emerged climbs to establish itself as the number one restaurant in the world from 2010 to 2012. In 2013 the leadership was for the Spanish restaurant "El Celler de Can Roca" but in 2014, Noma regains its leadership.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Sony & its new business strategy

The famous technological company Sony has just revealed its new business strategy, with a financial objective of achieving an operating profit of at least $4.3 billion in the company's 2017 fiscal year. But how is the company planning to reach this goal?

Sony has decided to focus on a narrower band of products. This means, that it will concentrate on business areas that really bring profits. During the last years the company had to struggle a lot with the intense competition of dominant companies such as Apple and Samsung, which is why Sony will no longer concentrate of growing in the business area of smartphones. According to Porter’s Five Forces Model the rivalry is stronger when one or two rivals have powerful strategies and other rivals are scrambling to stay in the game. This is exactly the case of Apple and Samsung confronting Sony. Obviously, the Sony can response to the rivalry with lower product prices, higher levels of advertising, higher quality or other strategies. Nevertheless, it is very difficult to compete against these giants and so Sony has decided to focus on other production areas.

The strategy will therefore see Sony shift to more profitable business areas, such as camera sensors, videogames and entertainment products. Sony will employ aggressive capital investment in these areas, with the aim of achieving sales growth and profit expansion.

In our opinion, Sony does a great job in changing strategies and focusing on the segments, where the company is really good at, the videogames and entertainment. Apple and Samsung are the leading companies in the mobile industry and lots of other mobile business had to shut down, due to the intense rivalry. We believe, that the companies should prepare themselves for this, finding new strategies in order to not only to survive, but to obtain greater profits. 

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Think globally, act locally

In today's article we would like to mention a small Catalan company whose development model is totally different to all the companies we have written before.

La Fageda is a Catalan cooperative in Olot that sells dairy products like yogurt, milk or ice cream.
It is completely different from the other companies, since its activity is developed at the regional level in Catalonia and their production techniques are traditional. In other words, they avoid the mass production of large companies.

Furthermore, another characteristic point of La Fageda is the integration of people with physical and mental disabilities to their workforce, having a great representation of this group in the entire company.
La Fageda creates an image of closeness brand that is committed to the environment and social problems. The added value of their products is easily identifiable and adapts to current market trends in which all the features listed above are rewarded.

As a negative point of this business model, we should say that it is difficult to grow and create many more jobs. But really, this is not what they are looking for, because it is a business model that does not search the continued growth. Their objective is be integrated as an element of the way of life of people, respecting the principles of ecology and corporate responsibility.

Summing up, we believe that large corporations have much to learn from La Fageda. Maybe we should stop living in constant growth and competition among companies to start living in a way of life where cooperation and the human side of the companies are the main actors.

Monday, March 16, 2015


It is the fourth mobile phone operator with an own network in Spain. Last year, Yoigo was the only company who did not lose any customer. In this industry of mobile technology, where the competition is increasing, this is an important fact.

Yoigo is positioned in the market as a dynamic company, because they are continually updating their rates; nearby, for the simplicity and transparency of its rates; and low -cost as the prices are the main key. The target of Yoigo is mainly the young people, so all campaigns are directed towards them and the rates are according to their needs. They offer just what this segment of public want, without complications or small letter. A good example is the incorporation of 4G technology on its rates.

The promotion and advertisings is the most important weapon in its strategy and the results confirm this. Nowadays the brand recognition is between 70% and 80%. They create advertising campaigns that appeal to users. In this way they achieve consumers to remember and talk about the company. As a result they reach a larger market share.

Refering to the sales network, Yoigo signed an agreement with The Phone for the distribution of their products in physical shops, while making most of their sales at their online shop.

In conclusion, the simplicity and cheap prices that its company offer, have made it quite a success. The Company surpass their expectations during the first months and it is still growing.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015


"Have your grandparents or parents thought to fly into the space ever?"

Now is available because one of the most important American business, Virgin Galactic, could realise your dreams. In fact, this company is trying to develop new spaceships able to travel to space with some people that are able to pay a huge amount of money.

Virgin Galactic is a company that came from Virgin Group, founded by Sir Richard Branson. This international business is linked with some different areas like music, mobile phone companies, books, sports, etc. It decided to launch onto the market and try different types of business areas. In 2004 Virgin started a new concept called tourism space. 

The modern “aircrafts-spaceships” are built with carbon fiber and imagination to transport tourists from 96 kilometers high to the edge of the space. The Virgin Galactic could harbour six passengers and two pilots. It will also have lots of windows at the ceiling and it will be a combination throw a rocket and a parachute. The spacecraft will be connected with a powerful plane called WhiteKnightTwo that will transport the ship about 15 kilometers.

When the spacecraft starts creates a G force that could arrive up to 4,000 kilometers per hour. Once the ship reach the space the engines are turned off and the passengers are allowed to be without the belts. They could feel the weightlessness as same as the astronauts. 

1.       Can we called them astronauts?
No. In fact, Virgin Galactic called their customers as “astronaut passengers”.

2.       Will be Google joined together with Virgin Galactic?
Doug Messier,’s manager speculate that Virgin Galactic and Google could be linked in a future, just because Google is trying to develop itself into the space area and is trying to improve some new technology to fly with eolian turbines. 

Virgin Galactic is going to be opened to the public in 2015, so why don't you try it and leave a comment explaining us your experience? Just only if you have the sufficient amount of money to realise this new concept of travelling!

Here you have the link to read more about the article:

Monday, March 9, 2015

BCG Matrix – Apple Inc.

Today we are going to analyse the Boston Consulting Group Matrix on an example such as Apple Inc. Apple was founded in 1976 in California and counts today as a multinational corporation that designs, develops, and sells consumer electronics, computer software, online services, and personal computers. It is one of the most famous electronic company in the world. Offering a diverse range of products, Apple has to identify the role of each, in order to obtain more benefits.

We can classify the products in four different types of classes: the iPhone and iPads, the Mac computers, the iPods and the Apple TV.

In the question mark quadrant we can find Apple TV. There's no real evidence of growth yet, but there is some fruitfulness. The company sells few of these products and it has not earned lots of money with it yet. Now, Apple has to decide, whether to invest in this product or not.

Apple’s star products are definitely the iPhones and iPads. The company is selling lots of these products and they bring them great money. The demand is so high (and it keeps growing) that the company cannot produce enough of these products.

In addition, the mature Mac computers are considered as the company’s cash cows. This type of product is still growing, but not as much as the star product. Its limits of potential growth are insight. Nevertheless, Apple earns lots of profits through the computers, which is why the company has to “milk” it as long as it is successful.

The last definition of products after the Boston Consulting group are the dogs. Here we talk about products that once were a star but now they are not growing or producing any fruit. In the case of Apple these are the iPods. The era of the iPods is fading and almost nobody buys them anymore. The company should be aware of this and not investing more in this product.

For every company, who offers different types of products, it is important to elaborate a BCG-matrix. Only then, you know in what position your products are. 

Sunday, March 8, 2015


Daewoo was one of the major chaebol in South Korea. It is important to understand what is a chaebol? It is a business model that emerged specifically in South Korea and consists of large clusters in different economic sectors. And companies that exhibit this business model is because they have strong growth, technological development, diversification and a strong entrepreneurial dimension.

That is why Daewoo besides being known worldwide for its extensive efforts in the automotive industry and have been classified as the sixth largest manufacturer of automobiles in the world, also became known for the construction of defense products, helicopters, civilian aircraft without leaving aside the shipbuilding industry will soon earned a reputation for producing ships at competitive prices.

However in the late 90s due to the Asian financial crisis coupled with poor management of the company made Daewoo went bankrupt, undoubtedly one of the largest corporate failures in history. 

The factors or reasons that led to the collapse of the company is partly due to government intervention, another factor was the labor market as workers began to demand shorter working hours (because years ago the days were long and low remuneration), the operate in a global economy, since they have protectionists laws and asked to include free trade, another point to consider is the quality of the product in Korea and that many products were considered low quality.

In 2005, General Motors announced that Daewoo in Europe change its name to Chevrolet, but in late 2013, the company informed through the media that Chevrolet will leave Europe in late 2015. And unfortunately caused the economic slowdown in 2007 caused a decline in European demand, Chevrolet responded by lowering their prices and introducing more luxurious models that led him to face very prestigious brands.

The strategy adopted by Chevrolet was theoretically correct but in practice the result was the opposite as we again had to be facing another crisis but this time within the European Union.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

MWC 2015

This week is celebrated the Mobile World Congress, an international technological event that takes place in Fira de Barcelona. It is the most important event in its industry.

The MWC is usually the place where big companies like eBay, Ford, Fujitsu, HTC, Intel, LG, Nokia, Samsung show their advances in wireless and mobile communications.

Unfortunately Apple is one of the most important absentees. This company never attends international events in order to present its devices. They prefer to hold their own events. However, the company usually posts during those days some news about improvements of their products.

This is an important event for both the companies to see the new products and market trends and for the exhibitors who promote and publicize its latest innovations.

Something to keep in mind is that the cheapest entrance ticket costs 700 euros. For that reason there are a lot of companies who visit the event but hardly any individuals. There are also other rates like the VIP which costs over 5000 euros.

Therefore, Barcelona hosts this annual event which is the most important in this sector with leading companies and professionals .This also has an impact in the economy of approximately 397 million euros, and the creation of 12,361 jobs.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Ronald McDonald loses his smile

Since its creation in 1940, McDonald’s has been growing until becoming one of the biggest companies of the world. But as every product, has an industry life cycle, and it seems that the brand image of McDonald’s is starting to decline. The benefits are a 15% lower regarding the last year and its competitors are catching more and more customers throughout the USA.
To face this situation, McDonald’s focused on international market and tried catching middle class customers in developing countries such as Brazil and China. But actually, the problem of McDonald’s is more complex than this. What it really happens is that the brand image of this company is not enough competitive as it used to be.
McDonald’s means cheap food, however, the new competitors are more attractive to young people who prefer to pay a little more for a better quality product which can also customize as they want to.
McDonald's included chicken sandwiches, salads and fruit in its meal, but the image of the company is built around the burger and fries, which is really difficult to change it.

If the cheap food industry is saturated in developed countries as the market tendencies seem to indicate, what should McDonald’s do?

This is not a problem of sales, intermediaries or price. The problem is about the product and how the brand image is located in mind’s customer.

In order to figure out this problem we suggest creating new products. But we are not talking about salads and fruit. Since the brand image of McDonald’s is too strong to change, we believe they should still making hamburgers but with a high quality. In this way the brand will still being related to the same product with only one difference: the quality would be better. Moreover, we believe that publicity will play an important role to change the mind’s customers.

Summing up, McDonald’s has to face with a new competitive environment with an old brand image that is not efficient any more. In order to be competitive we think they should invest in creating products with more quality but trying not to increase the price so much.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

PortAventura will take in a new Ferrari amusement park in 2016

PortAventura is a huge theme park and a resort located between Vila-seca and Salou, in the south of Barcelona. It attracts around 4 million visitors every year and is one of the most famous theme parks in Spain and Europe.

This park includes five different areas based on historic civilizations, it also has an aquatic park called Costa Caribe Aquatic Park and four hotels inspired in its park areas.

One of the most important and so that one of its future objectives is to build up a new resort called Ferrari Land which it will be an hospitality complex set up by some attractions and a five star hotel inspired in Ferrari’s trademark. This is a great example of a technology aspect because they are development some new aspects in a concreted target market.

For instance, PortAventura has arrived to an agreement with Ferrari to build up a new theme park inspired in the car’s brand, this will be a project that is expected to be operational in 2016 and it will be a total investment of 100 million of euros.

Ferrari Land will take up about 75.000 square meter of space and it will also have some rides for all age ranges. The complex will have the faster and higher accelerator from Europe and the biggest roller-coaster from PortAventura park.

Ferrari has its own thematic park in Abu Dhabi city called Ferrari World and PortAventura will take in the first in Europe with the same characteristics.

Andrea Perrone, Ferrari Brand administrator, says that Ferrari World has been successful and moreover they had received lots of petitions to build up new theme parks with Ferrari’s brand. They had selected Investindustrial, PortAventura society, because is the opportunity to bring Ferrari’s spirit to Spain, where that brand has some fans and supporters.

Ferrari is placed as the most valuable brand name of the world and PortAventura Park is the second resort from Europe and the first from the Mediterranean.

In the end, PortAventura has carried out a strategy from expansion and a huge globalization with a total investment of 125 million of euros since 2009.

In 2011, PortAventura build up a children area called Sésamo Aventura; in 2012 the highest roller-coster from Europe called Shambhala and in 2013 they extend Costa Caribe Aquatic Park. 

Have a rest and take a couple of minutes to watch this video from a simulation of Ferrari Land!

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Cost leadership Strategy

According to Michael Porter there are two strategies:

· Differential strategy consists in offer exclusives products.

· Cost Leadership Strategy achieved having the lowest prices in target market segment. This strategy is only viable for large firms with huge production of volumes and a big market share.

A good example could be Lefties, from Inditex’s brand, which was created in order to fight with low cost brands. Lefties consists in a clothing brand which offers products to customers from Zara’s previous season. However, they also have their own exclusive pieces.

At the present time the economic crisis has caused not only a 5% decrease on Inditex sales but also a fast growing in low cost brands as Primark or H&M. Whilst Zara’s shops are fading, the openings of Lefties’ shops are frequently. Nowadays, there are 86 shops in Spain and 16 in Portugal.

Besides this, on the last months the locations of these shops have been redesigned. Fortunately, they are not untidy and gloomy shops as many years ago. These days, it comes as enticing shops situated in malls. This is also an important factor because sales in these centers have suffered a drastic descent since 2007. The opening of low cost stores like Lefties causes an increment of affluence on these shopping centers.

Therefore Inditex is willing to expand this brand in order to achieve their objectives and to be a fashion leader in the market. For that reason it is necessary to adapt it supply at the demand and to reduce their prices for beating brands like Primark (their main competitor). As a result, they increase their sales, in order to keep their quality but with lower prices.

To conclude, a cost leadership strategy has the disadvantage in losing customers because of the reputation from poor quality, but if they accomplish that people associated their low cost brand to the current one, as a substitute, is available. Indeed, it suppose the success for Inditex in the current market.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Travel agencies

Travel agencies

Today choosing a travel agency based largely on economic opportunities, managing new technology or customer age. But it is important to consider the advantages of both the one and the other

For traditional agencies we can highlight what is its personalized service, advice on destinations, to pay in hand and allow extra services. Unlike the online agencies where payment is via credit card, prices are cheaper, accessibility and immediacy to book the trip and deals you can get are aspects that differentiate why today are emerging custom agencies.

Surely direct sales is a key to economic recovery in domestic tourism factor. And one of their strategies is to be present in social networks because it is almost indispensable for the travel industry. Among the most popular agencies include Facebook and Twitter. This is not to make a direct sale through the same but that help promote and provide quality image.

With all of this we believe it is important to ask the question. Is there a future for travel agencies?
As future professionals in the industry want to be positive but still be realistic about the great changes that have occurred thanks to technology.

Therefore we believe it does, but only arise that may adapt to new changes and are smaller and above all highly specialized, highly technical and operating as far as possible in internet agencies and a physical location for personalized attention would be ideal.

As encouraging fact none of the travel agencies in Spanish adventure have closed in recent years. As examples we can mention (Marco Polo, Trekking and Adventure, Taranna, Amber Travel).

Not everything is lost and if we put our creativity game having clear our customer segment we want to capture, you can create a small business doing what we like ... go!

Does anyone dare this adventure?


Today’s article is for all the coffee lovers. We are going to investigate the strategies of the famous coffee company Starbucks. A vast majority of you has been to Starbucks and has tasted its delicious coffees. This brand is famous all over the world and counts with 21,160 stores in 63 countries and territories, starting out with one store in Seattle. It is even a fashion to drink the “Starbucks coffee”. But what makes a single coffee so special?

Take a minute to think about if you have ever seen a conventional advertisement in the newspaper or television of Starbucks, like from big companies such as Mc Donalds? The answer is no or only very few times. The company has tried very hard to avoid traditional marketing in order to give it a name.
They rely on the excellent quality of the coffee combined with a cosy atmosphere in order to create customer satisfaction. Everyone feels comfortable on the relaxing sofas at the coffee shops, which makes it a good possibility to escape the stress of every day’s life. Even though the price of a coffee is higher than at another coffee store, the customers seem to accept it, without hesitating.
The customer satisfaction is also established by the treatment one perceives by entering the store. You can create your own coffee out of different flavours. At the end the employee asks you for your name to write it on the cup. This way, the customer feels unique and as a participant in the process of making his own coffee.
Every season, they make special offers related to Christmas, summer, etc. So there are always new flavours to discover. Combined with the high quality, it is a good marketing strategy, which produces a customer loyalty. The customers come back regularly and tell their friends and families about it. The company counts strongly on Word-of-Mouth marketing.

Furthermore, they have created a “Starbucks community”, where individuals can register and share their Starbucks experiences with others. The community not only brings people together, but it also helps the company to improve their services, because they are involved actively in the discussions.

In our opinion, the company did a great job to become the Starbucks we now nowadays, considering they started out with a single store and a simple concept. Every company should take Starbucks as an example for its successful marketing strategies. 

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Market tendencies: technology

It is clear that the currently market is changing in a lot of aspects. The economy, politics and the situation of the markets can influence to every firm.  But in this post we will focus on technology.

Making a prediction about technology is getting more and more difficult, because the short terms, solutions and market tendencies are changing very fast. But we would like to explain two technology business strategies that are taking place in the current market.

Big Data
To sum it up in few words, Big Data consists on capturing, storing, searching, sharing and adding value, big amounts of data which up to date has been underused and inaccessible.
In fact, companies like Facebook, Google or Amazon have succeeded bearing in mind Bid Data in its business strategy. The analysis of massive data is the main advantage of the business model of these companies.  The volume of advertising that some of these companies sell is so high, due to the existence of these massive data. It represents a benefit for advertisers thanks to the 'target process', which allow these companies to give a personalized message to each person. Analyze the Big Data can give to customers an offer that with a high percentage of probability will be of interest. The key is to make it in a way that the client feels that what you offer is only for him. "

Corporate Social Networking
Uncontrolled use of social networks can cause low productivity at work. That's why instead of banning them, the need for communication is satisfied by using corporate social networks designed exclusively for the organization.
Corporate Social networks are working tools that are implemented in organizations, which allow workers to collaborate with each other, interact and exchange ideas in their work schedule. The challenge is to help companies become more competitive using platforms that create value.
Moreover, this type of communication helps departments of companies to be related and interconnected, even if they are in different cities or countries. This creates a sense of belonging and permanence in it.

Summing up, every business strategy should take into account the new technologies, for this reason we thought it was important to write about 2 of them.   

Wednesday, February 4, 2015


Thursday, 29th January, 2015 - La Vanguardia (printed version)
Special Monograph - Tendencies

Nowadays, many people think that a hobby cannot be a business and a lot less a worthwhile company. 

Thanks to the revolution of the hand-made products, the handicraft world has increased. People have created some new movements known as HANDMADE or DO IT YOURSELF. The peculiarity of the objects and the help of the Internet have made that people see a possibility in creating a business, in order to earn a little money for living.  

The vast majority who have decided to work with this new concept called HANDMADE have decided to open their own business or shop.

The HANDMADE sector has many entrepreneurs who make clothes and objects for fondness. Nevertheless, there are more and more people that are joining in that new area like for example some engineers, architects, computer technicians, etc. to invest their knowledge and manual labors for their incomes.

The exhibitions and trade fairs that are commonly organized around the country are valuable meeting points because many new companies can introduce themselves. The HANDMADE FESTIVAL will be organized on April 24th, 25th and 26th in Barcelona and will hold a total of 250 companies, from freelances to established brands.

Social networks as Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest and blogs are crucial to be the key to success in that world, due to the fact that many of the entrepreneurs earn about 50% of the profits in these web pages.

The great majority of these people who work in HANDMADE business claim that they might work a total of 12 hours per day to get their work off the ground. On the other hand, others says that a good location for their shops is essential to continue in this huge market.

We encourage you to visit some of these delightful HANDMADE shops in Barcelona, here you have some addresses!! 

Veló by zin, they design and make personalized footwear – Banys Vells Street, 3

Mina Minero, textile collection shop – De la Virreina Square, 7

I love Kutchi, handicrafts material sales, Andrea Doria Street, 41


Friday, January 30, 2015


Coca-Cola is a global known brand; in every single corner of the world people recognize its products. Despite its success, they are always focusing on the innovation of their marketing strategies.

One of the most important strategy is the current one, which consists in personalizing 550 million of bottles with the most popular first names of their customers. Therefore Coca-Cola logo has been replaced by their names on the bottles of Coca-Cola, Diet Coke and Coke Zero.

In fact, this campaign tries to pay tribute to their consumers. The campaign was released in social media; the idea is that people share their pictures and experiences related with the brand. Indeed it not only consists in personalizing bottles but also focusing on sharing moments and stories behind them. The campaign invites consumers to find the names of family members, friends or coworkers and using the #shareacoke hashtag, in order to share their own stories.

Undoubtedly, with this personalization the company tries to make us feel special. It is about an optimistic message which involves the customers. This is one of their keys to success, with which the campaign brings clients together with the products. Moreover, it is a motivation for people who do not consume Coca-Cola yet. On the other hand this campaign can be applied in any country because it contains an universal message: everybody has a name and friends with whom to share a Coke

The Coca-Cola’s campaign was very successful and the main key was achieved. Now everybody talks about it. In addition, the message of optimism, happiness and union is the most important for this brand. One more time the company demonstrates that they are more than only refreshments.


Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Victoria's Secret

Victoria’s Secret

This brand of lingerie is one of the most famous and prestigious in the world.

It was created by a young American businessman who managed to take advantage of his shyness. He decided to make a man feel comfortable, while accompanying his girlfriend to lingerie shopping. He invented and introduced the policies which helped to facilitate the purchase of that type of product without intimidation. Then in 1977 he opened his first store in San Francisco.

The key idea was to sell the lingerie through the catalogs. Some years later the company started to grow after having been acquired by “The Limited” company. Its experts had a clear idea of how to expand the business throughout the United States. So they opened some stores and added some new lines of business such as shoes, accessories and cosmetics.

In the 1990s it was considered to be one of the most important companies in America which produces lingerie. From that time, the management team decided to hire professional models for advertising (the models are known as the angels of Victoria’s Secret). This idea was well received and some years later the first runway show took place. The success of the show was so outstanding that between 1999 and 2000 it became available via their website. After repeated success, the company negotiated with the ABC TV in order to show it worldwide and to reach a wide audience.

They offer the aspirational products to achieve the company’s development and expansion so the top models play a very important role in the every year shows. This allows them to raise the prices of their goods and differentiate themselves from competitors. Actually, if Victoria’s Secret lowers the prices it would sell even less. How do they do that? It turns out that making the price irrelevant gives more value to sensations. Few brands like Victoria’s Secret and Starbucks are able to increase the prices on their goods and make people feel happy paying for them.

Another important point of success are the complementary products, you can find in the stores (shoes, pajamas, cosmetics and perfume).

Surely they have been able to manage a good strategic plan and now they do not collaborate only with the American market but they are also pushing their way into the European market as well. If they keep carrying on their business policy and marketing strategies they undoubtedly will achieve even more success.